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How the cap is negotiated with a convertible note investment

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How the cap is negotiated with a convertible note investment

How the cap is negotiated with a convertible note investment
How the cap is negotiated with a convertible note investment

Shudhan Kohli is a Co-Founder and CEO of Grey Elephant Ventures. He has spent 10 years shaping the growth trajectory of large and early stage businesses, spanning three frontier markets and four industries. His work was prominently featured in a book called “Sustainable Luxury and Social Entrepreneurship: Stories from the Pioneers” prior to handing over the reigns of his company. Sh…


This module is part of the Your legal business course.
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Your legal business VC4A Startup Academy course

Your legal business

The ‘Your legal business’ course is aimed at founders who want to learn more about the legal implications of setting up their business and the funding concepts for a first round of investment.

The first module focuses on legal basics, the second module on the funding concepts.

Each module has a number of learning resources, which include:
• Theoretical break…

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