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Why hiring a lawyer around closing a large equity round is critical

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Why hiring a lawyer around closing a large equity round is critical

Why hiring a lawyer around closing a large equity round is critical
Why hiring a lawyer around closing a large equity round is critical

Chinedu is Cofounder and CTO at Metro Africa Xpress Inc (MAX). He co-leads the MAX Team and directly oversees Product development and Finance. Before MAX, he built experience first working as a Software Engineer, then leading software development teams out of Singapore and Puné at for Fortune 50 companies. He has previously worked at Barclays Capital and Goldman Sachs. Chinedu is passionate abo…

This module is part of the Your legal business course.
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Your legal business VC4A Startup Academy course

Your legal business

The ‘Your legal business’ course is aimed at founders who want to learn more about the legal implications of setting up their business and the funding concepts for a first round of investment.

The first module focuses on legal basics, the second module on the funding concepts.

Each module has a number of learning resources, which include:
• Theoretical break…

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