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How to build a network of (angel) investors

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How to build a network of (angel) investors

How to build a network of (angel) investors
How to build a network of (angel) investors

About: Ben White – Co-founder at VC4Africa

Ben White has been venturing in the African technology and media space since 2003. He has done ethnographic research on the emergence of software cultures in Kampala, Uganda, established the ICT Entrepreneurship program at Hivos, and later taught classes at the University of Amsterdam. Involved in multiple startups, Ben is also the c…


Course Profile Finance your business image of Finance Your Business

Finance your business (Scale)

The ‘Finance your business’ course is aimed at entrepreneurs who are looking to raise external capital.

In the first module you will learn how to structure your business’ financials, contracts, and other legalities. The second module unpacks how to fundraise successfully.

Each module has a number of learning resources, which include:
• Theoretica…

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