She Wins Africa

This page outlines a collection of courses that are dedicated to the She Wins Africa Alumni.

Courses by She Wins Africa


SWA Peer to Peer Learning (All Tracks)

The aim of the P2P sessions is to foster a collaborative learning environment where founders can share experiences, challenges, and solutions, enhancing their business acumen and problem-solving skills through mutual support and collective wisdom.

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The modules

SWA Masterclasses (All Tracks)

The masterclasses address the foundational aspects of investment readiness, pinpointing three pivotal topics derived from our extensive experience. Each session is designed to impart crucial knowledge and practical skills, ensuring startups are well-equipped for their funding journey. They aim to provide founders strategic insights and tools necessary to navigate the investment landscape.

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The modules
  • Introduction to Venture Capital
  • Valuation
  • Pitch training
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  • Choosing the Right Investor & How to Negotiate
  • Mechanics of the Fundraise: Exploring Non-Traditional Funding Options
  • Financial Modelling and Forecasting
  • Measuring and Communicating Your Startup’s Impact
  • Preparing for Investor Due Diligence and (TBC)
  • Market Sizing and Competitive Placement
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  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Scaling
  • HR
  • Legal
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Start your business (Launch)

The ‘Start your business’ course is aimed at founders who are in the phase of developing ideas and testing product-market fit.

The first module focuses on how to build a great team, the second module on the environment you operate in and the third module discusses the importance of knowing your target market.

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The modules
  • Finding a co-founder
  • Investor expectations around co-founders
  • Structuring relations with your co-founder
  • Building a complementary team
  • Beyond salary: Remuneration options
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  • Define your target market in ten steps
  • Measure the value of your target market
  • Get to know your customer
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  • Product development cycle explained
  • Design thinking
  • Lean Startup methodology
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  • Assessing the competitive landscape
  • Managing political and regulatory risk
  • Understanding market risk
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Grow your business (Grow)

The course on ‘Grow your business’ is for startup founders who are looking to scale their operations when they are getting traction for their product or service.

One module breaks down the different types of business models to consider, and the other module focuses on ways to build traction and grow the customer base.

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The modules
  • The Business Model Canvas
  • An overview of different business models
  • Reasons startups fail and the pivot
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  • How to make sound business development decisions
  • How to expand to other geographic markets
  • How to expand to other industries
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  • Building successful corporate partnerships
  • How to do B2B sales
  • The importance of mentors and advisors
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  • Structuring growth and traction
  • Tips for building traction
  • Growth hacking your way to success
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Finance your business (Scale)

The ‘Finance your business’ course is aimed at entrepreneurs who are looking to raise external capital.

In the first module you will learn how to structure your business’ financials, contracts, and other legalities. The second module unpacks how to fundraise successfully.

10 Members already started this course0% Course overview
The modules
  • The investment process
  • Valuations
  • Financial projections
  • Financial projections - Eight tips
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  • Into the mind of the equity investor
  • Debt versus equity
  • Types of capital providers
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  • De-risking your startup
  • How to prepare investor pitch deck
  • Tips on presenting in public
  • Questions to expect from investors
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