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Build a great team

In this module you will take the key insights on building a great team. it’s the founding team that determines the success or failure… read more

This module is part of the Start your business course.
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start a business online course

Start your business

The ‘Start your business’ course is aimed at founders who are in the phase of developing ideas and testing product-market fit.

This course breaks down how to start a business in four modules. The first module focuses on how to build a great team, the second module on how to define your target market, the third on product development and the fourth module on assessing the…


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Module content

Introduction: Finding a co-founder

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Introduction: Finding a co-founder

Introduction: Finding a co-founder
Introduction: Finding a co-founder


Why startup founders should build a strong team

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Why startup founders should build a strong team

Why startup founders should build a strong team
Why startup founders should build a strong team

Brett Commaille is a venture capitalist and business development professional assisting young businesses in their drive to achieve their full potential through rapid growth in a sustainable manner. He is founder and Lead Partner of AngelHub Ventures, a seed stage Venture Capital Fund. Through AngelHub Ventures, he supports entrepreneurs driving a disruptive business model according to lean …


The importance of having a co-founder

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The importance of having a co-founder

The importance of having a co-founder
The importance of having a co-founder

Chams Diagne has created Talent2Africa to support African companies and large global multinationals with subsidiaries in Africa, recruiting talents based o…


The risk of setting up a startup on your own

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The risk of setting up a startup on your own

The risk of setting up a startup on your own
The risk of setting up a startup on your own

Stephen Haggard chairs the board at Eneza Education and drives the company’s work in data analytics, mobile commercial strategy, and online learning design. When not with Eneza, Stephen owns and runs a large edtech business covering EU and US markets from London. He is a thought-leader in learning innovations and African ed tech, writing or speaking regularly for Financial Times, Education …
