Gender mainstreaming: Deepen impact and improve sustainability
Are you aware of the benefits that gender equity can bring to your organization? It increases productivity, reduces turnover, increases revenues, and reduces risks… to just name a few! But how can you reach gender equity and unleash its potential?
Follow us on this journey to learn why you should prioritize gender mainstreaming in your organization and how to do it. Gender mainstreaming means integrating the gender perspective into your organization’s DNA, as well as in your strategy and operations, with the goal of fighting discrimination and promoting gender equity.
In this course, you will be able to navigate as you please through 9 sections covering the most frequent gender-related topics, which social enterprises care about. In each section, you will find a ‘best practice’ document, which gives practical advice on how to go about improving that particular aspect in your organization. In most of the sections, you will also find a case study, from an entrepreneur who successfully implemented that best practice, for your inspiration.
Go ahead, and browse through the chapters, in any order you want, but start with the topics that are most relevant or urgent to you right now!
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