Start your business
The ‘Start your business’ course is aimed at founders who are in the phase of developing ideas and testing … More
An increase in entrepreneurial activity is fueling the economic momentum of the African continent. Nigeria is one of the forerunners in this development. As a result, a large part (38%) of the more than 12,000 ventures active on our platform is based in Nigeria.
We encourage entrepreneurship development in Nigeria because we believe this is a key driver for development. Our focus thereby lies on providing young startup founders with knowledge on setting up a business. In this process, we provide every entrepreneur with equal access to opportunities. Besides to Nigeria, we do this in a lot of other African countries, for example, Egypt and Somalia.
You can choose to either take part in all the courses on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria or to just pick out the parts that are of interest to you. Do you want to start right away?
The ‘Start your business’ course is aimed at founders who are in the phase of developing ideas and testing … More
The course on ‘Grow your business’ is for startup founders who are looking to scale their operations when t… More
The ‘Your legal business’ course is aimed at founders who want to learn more about the legal implications o… More
The ‘Finance your business’ course is aimed at entrepreneurs who are looking to raise external capita… More
Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business or multiple businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope it results in profit. VC4A helps Nigerian entrepreneurs in their efforts to set up successful businesses by connecting them to knowledge, investors and market opportunities.
Read more about entrepreneurship development on our page about ventures in Nigeria. Here you can find businesses in Nigeria that are already active.
All different aspects of entrepreneurship in Nigeria are handled in our courses. These provide you with the necessary skills to start up and grow your own business. The courses contain different learning methods, which include: