Start your business
The ‘Start your business’ course is aimed at founders who are in the phase of developing ideas and testing … More
Are you considering starting a business in Egypt? And would you like to gain more knowledge of the startup and growth stage of your business? The Academy of VC4A is glad to help you out with accessible business courses for Egyptian entrepreneurs. You will get comprehensive insights and useful tools to make your business a success. Our purpose is to stimulate entrepreneurship because we believe startups are crucial for socio-economic development.
Each year, more starting entrepreneurs from Egypt join our platform. At the moment no less than 300 Egyptian entrepreneurs made use of our platform. This indicates the willingness to engage in entrepreneurial activities, which is also strengthened by research showing the positive attitude of Egyptians towards entrepreneurship as an occupational choice (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Egypt National Report).
The ‘Start your business’ course is aimed at founders who are in the phase of developing ideas and testing … More
The course on ‘Grow your business’ is for startup founders who are looking to scale their operations when t… More
The ‘Your legal business’ course is aimed at founders who want to learn more about the legal implications o… More
The ‘Finance your business’ course is aimed at entrepreneurs who are looking to raise external capita… More
Research and experience show that it’s important to enrol in sufficient training while starting up a business in Egypt. Along with cumulative experience, it has the most positive impact on the success of startups in the Egyptian startup-ecosystem (Zaki & Nahed, 2019).
Our business training consists of 4 courses. The theoretical frameworks, expert videos with practical tips and engaging quizzes give you comprehensive knowledge about starting your own business in Egypt. You can just follow the parts you like or follow the courses as a whole. The build-up is as follows:
By finishing a course, you will get a certificate of completion which will add value to your resume. Get inspired and take a look at the Egyptian businesses that already got on their way by making use of our platform. Go to the ventures in Egypt page to see the diverse and innovative nature of these enterprises.